Tuesday 14 November 2017

Cycling is the future......

Cycling is fast , fun and good for health and environment. Making cycleways segregated and most importantly without obstructions of crossings , traffic lights etc is essential to make the transition from cars to cycles as a form of transport rather than just for fun and leisure as most in Lycra and mountain bikes do.
Easy access and parking at shops and facilities need to be also a high priority in planners and architects designs along with charging points.
Planning Rules are a big obstacle for cyclists in the future as their is still lots of plans granted next to highways that will future development of segregated cycleways.
Surely when any plans are drawn up the first consideration now must be easy shortcut cycleways to enable everyone to access facilities easily on a bike.
Every planner, transport and building have to really address the problem and even change existing plans to accommodate cycleways.
It is just not good enough to have painted lines and hope that is it, many do not use them as they are dangerous, slow and a hazard to everyone, So they do not get used unless they are in a particularly dangerous place or they take a short cut, but jumping on and off the highways to join many of these painted lanes are so so dangerous in their own right.
If cyclist were to obey every rule of the road and use them it would mean many would stop due to lengthy journey times , danger fo having to stop start and on and off bike losing balance etc etc
I urge all planners to take to their unsuitable bikes from home to schools to shops and to work of course. Just find out how bumpy potholed drain ridden your ride is and just how unsafe you are making our roads by your designs, maintenance and layout of most cycleways.
I urge government to make all manufacturers and suppliers of bike to ensure they are safe for the road by insisting they are sold with mudguards, lights and a carrier like most on the continent, and that users of public highways do have legal bikes on the road.
Times are changing and we have to change fast to meet the challenge. of stress, over crowding, health, and of course the planets ecosystems .

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