Monday 26 February 2018

Revelations on Armageddon

Revelations on Armageddon

I watched James anderson talk today and was blown away by so many ideas that he shot to flames about Climate Change and how we should deal with it .

How chemical cycles shape our planet - The global challenge

Besides the technical details , he highlighted all the major issues we have to deal with , from           
1  Population growth and its consequences on Energy consumption.
2  Continued CO2 explosion into the atmosphere creating warming
3  Huge rise in methane from ice melt further enhancing warming
4 Huge rise in weather storms that inject water into the stratosphere causing OZONE depletion globally Thus effecting the High transmission of INFRARED light
 5 Just how little extra IR can affect all living plants and in turn all life on the planet
 6 Just how blase Politicians and scientists are about numbers and the effect they have on decisions.

This has not however changed my thoughts on how to deal with the problem , in fact it has re-enforced my commitment to try to awaken everyone that a quick solution has to be implemented sooner than later, we have not got time, the Clock continue to tick.

The biggest and quickest way is through economic measures like I have proposed before, this will not in itself endanger the worlds climate , It will however mean a fundamental change in political thinking to manage the social consequences of such action

We have not even started to think of such serarios and I call all in all scientific, economic and social fields to rethink the value of their work towards a such  mind changing events that are to consume us all eventually as a matter of utmost urgency.

I read that most businesses today believe  the environment , climate change and  natural and man made disasters are the biggest problem facing them , So they are beginning to awake , so must everyone else and demand quick and decisive action.

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